

LA PETITE MORT This blog post is about a relationship turned tragic.  The relationship, for me, began in Christmas 2006 or 2007, shortly after I had gotten married. At that time, my sister in law,  Lizzette , invited her boyfriend, Mike, over for dinner.  Before inviting Mike over, she had warned us of a unique event, which he told her had occurred in his life: Mike's dad had killed Mike's mom. It was a shocking event to hear of.  But I didn't let it influence my judgment. After meeting Mike I found him to have an inventive personality.  I wanted to be his friend. So my wife, Phoebe, and I, continued to invite  Lizzette  and Mike over for dinners and holidays, every now and then, over the next few years. As we got more comfortable, Mike began to express more about his political views. Mike claimed to know Peter Joseph, the face of The Zeitgeist Movement, on a deeper level than most people. On Thanksgiving of 2012, Mike initiated a conversation with me about an idea he said